BSNL Broadband Internet Problems and their Solutions
BSNL known as Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited is a government operated Telecom service in India. It is the largest provider of Broadband Internet in India, as they have wider area coverage because of their already laid out telephone lines across every region in India. Also their broadband service is also the cheapest compared to other providers that includes Airtel, Reliance, MTS etc. Their Broadband Internet speed is good but not their service and reliability. So let us look in detail about the merits, demerits and troubleshooting of BSNL Broadband.
Some Advantages of BSNL Broadband
Here are some plus points of having BSNL Broadband.
Cheap and Affordable Broadband Plans
Their Broadband plans are cheaper as compared to the internet plans of the other Internet Service Providers (ISP) in India. I personally like their Unlimited Broadband plans as they are reasonably priced and have good speeds too.
Decent Internet Speed
The speed you get from BSNL Broadband is generally very good and constant throughout. Very rarely you will see their internet speeds dropping.
Read: How to check speed of BSNL Broadband Internet
Why BSNL Broadband Service is Pathetic
Here are some reasons on why BSNL service is so poor and unreliable.
No Dedicated Support Staff
No actual dedicated team of support staff to handle your problems and give you the proper information of any kind related to technical problems you are facing with your Broadband connection. They do have a number for registering complaints for broadband but you will not get any positive result from it. Their so called tech customer care staff is always clueless about the technical problems that you are facing with your internet connection.
Old and Unreliable Cables
The broadband internet you get from bsnl is only through your telephone line. Their telephones lines are not properly maintained, old and can be seen hanging on the towers, trees, rooftops and god knows where. Even a slightest bit of rain and bad weather can bring their phones wires / lines down which results in the disconnection of your broadband service until the repairmen get it fixed.
Dependent on the Mercy of Weather
The fate of your BSNL broadband is totally dependent on the weather. In case of moderate rain and thunderstorms it is very likely that your connection can get disconnected. Even the optical fiber cable (OFC) lines for their Broadband can get cut because of some overflow of water, as they are laid out very inefficiently in the path of the river or places where they have high probability of getting damaged. If that happens then you just have to pray to GOD that your internet should be fixed quickly, which generally does not happen most of the time.
Troubleshooting BSNL Broadband
Here is the list of all the possibilities that can happen to your BSNL Broadband connection and your ADSL / DSL Modem.
ADSL / DSL Light OFF and No Dial Tone in Telephone Line
This means your telephone line is dead that may be physically damaged due to weather, construction or any other reason and you should get it fixed. To register a complaint for the dead telephone line, dial number 1500, follow the instructions and register your complaint.

ADSL / DSL Light or LED Indicator in Modem
ADSL / DSL Light ON & No Dial tone
This means that your telephone line is dead but the line may not be physically damaged as ADSL / DSL light is still glowing. This might be the problem with your exchange, so to resolve this you can register the complaint for both broadband and telephone on numbers 1504 and 1500 respectively.
ADSL / DSL Light ON and Dial Tone but No Internet
This means your phone line is OK but there is problem with the Broadband with your local exchange or your set of optical fiber cable (OFC) may have been damaged or cut off. This can happen due to heavy rains or construction work going on in your area. Here register a complaint online on the form given below and also contact your local head office of BSNL or Exchange to fix the issue.
ADSL / DSL Light Fluctuates a Lot
If your modem ADSL / DSL light fluctuates a lot i.e. goes ON and OFF frequently, then there is too much noise or disturbance in your telephone line. You can get it fixed from your local telephone guy by registering a complaint on the number 1500.
Note: ADSL / DSL is also known as Link / Act.
BSNL Broadband Complaint Number and Online Complaint Form
Here is the BSNL Telephone complaint number, Broadband complaint number and online complaint form, where you can register the complaint for your problems.
BSNL Telephone Complaint Number: 1500
BSNL Broadband Complaint Number: 1504

BSNL Helpdesk Numbers
BSNL Online Complaint Form / Grievance Registration Form
Use this online form to register your complaint that reaches to higher authorities in BSNL. Here you will get a definite response within 2 – 3 days for your problems. This form should only be used when you are not getting response from the registering the complaint on the complaint numbers that I have mentioned above.
BSNL Grievance Registration Form

BSNL Grievance Registration Form
After that you can trace your complaint status on the link given below by entering your docket number.
Tips to Speed up or Increase Performance of BSNL Broadband
Here are some tips to increase the performance of your bsnl broadband internet.
Use Public DNS Servers
If you are having trouble in opening some sites then it means the DNS servers of BSNL are overloaded, which is not a new thing. To fix this issue use the Public DNS servers from Google. DNS Address of Google DNS servers are:-
Primary / Preferred DNS Server:
Alternate DNS Server:
Click here on how to change your DNS Server in Windows
Get Rid of ADSL Splitter if Possible
If you are using ADSL Splitter then make sure it is of good quality otherwise you will face frequent disconnections and reduced speed because of using a cheap and low quality ADSL Splitter / Filter. ADSL splitter from D-Link and TP-Link are of very good quality and gives good performance. Secondly you can also make your telephone line directly plugged in the ADSL modem if you do not use any phone connected to that line and completely removing the ADSL filter in this case.
Must Read: Best ADSL Splitters to Buy
Keep your ADSL/DSL Modem from getting too Hot
Keep your modem on flat surfaces and avoid it from getting too hot otherwise you will experience reduced performance from your modem and overheating can also damage your modem.
Read here in detail on how to Keep your Modem Cool
Complete Guide to Increase BSNL Broadband Speed
Final Words
In the last I would say that BSNL Broadband is not all bad but sometimes their service are. Their service has been improving but at a very slow rate, so if they improve their quality of service then they can become the best internet service provider (ISP) in India.
Read: How to Pay BSNL Bill Online on BSNL Portal