Is UMAX 450 Watt SMPS enough for your PC?
UMAX 450 Watt Livewire is a cheap basic Power Supply from UMAX. UMAX is a computer component manufacturing company from Taiwan. Their main products are Scanners which are very good, but I cannot say this to their power supplies i.e smps.

UMAX 450 Watt Livewire SMPS
Specification of UMAX 450 Watt PSU
It has got 25A on 12V rail which is decent enough for a normal PC and better than the 12V ratings of Zebronics 400W and Zebronics 500W Platinum series SMPS. Zebronics 400 Watt and Zebronics 500 Watt (Platinum Series) SMPS’s have got only 17A and 22A respectively on 12V rail, and they are expensive too than UMAX 450W SMPS. UMAX 450W 12V rating is also better than the iBall LPE223-400 400 Watt SMPS which has only 17A on 12V rail.

25A on 12V rail
UMAX 450W PSU is equipped with 80mm fan which is pretty standard for a low cost power supply. The build quality of the SMPS is ok but not outstanding.
Can UMAX 450 Watt SMPS be used for Gaming PC?
I would not recommend UMAX 450W Livewire for Gaming and for any Graphics Card. If you want a SMPS for Gaming then go for good brands like corsair, cooler master, antec, vip, tagan, deepcool etc.
Click here to Know Some Good SMPS brands
Price of UMAX 450W Livewire nPower SMPS
UMAX 450W Livewire SMPS is priced at Rs. 560/- (approx.) that is quite a nice deal if you have basic normal PC without any Graphics Card.
See also:
I buyed the MSI GTX 750 Ti 2GB DDR5 coupled with an AMD X2 270 3.4Ghz !
I have an Umax 450W! The GPU does need external power , It relies on the PCIE express slot for power (60W)! My smps has 25A on 12V rail! I calculated the peak wattage of my pc from which was 250W! (Dont have an optical drive, that is why peak wattage is low) Can I run intensive games with this SMPS? Please reply sir!
I have just a 80mm fan! a ps2 Mouse and Keyboard , Wifi and Bluetooth Adapter but no other PCIE express cards! A sata Hardisk (5200).
that does not matter if you have GTX 750 Ti
Never ever use any graphics card especially GTX 750 Ti on that Umax 450W SMPS. I would advise you to get atleast Corsair VS450 for using GTX 750 Ti graphics card. Read the whole review of Corsair VS450 at
Thankyou! I have already ordered the VS450 @ 2300 Rs! Cant take Risks..Right!
good choice
Sir, I am also upgrading the processor from AMD Athlon X2 270 3.4GHz To an FX-6300 CPU! I calculated the peak wattage of my pc from is 280W! So does the VS450 enough?
It will be enough
Hey Akshat I see you’ve recommended corsair vs 450 for a GTX 750 ti.I know its a good PSU but i’m in a budget constraint and I don’t think I will be able to buy it.So what do you think will happen if I use a Zotac GTX 750 ti with UMAX 450W PSU.I mean my system’s total wattage under load is 262W and the recommended PSU based on Wattage Calculator is 311W. So do you think there’s going to be any issue .Also which one do you think is better Zebronics or UMAX . I wont be able to use Zebronics due to low amperage right?
And would you tell me the worst case scenario. : |
Well both these PSUs are bad but UMAX might be a little better. And i won’t recommend UMAX 450W PSU for GTX 750 Ti. In the worst case scenario you may either blow up your PSU / Graphics Card or maybe some other components. So buy a good SMPS as soon as possible.
Thanks for the quick reply.
I tried booting on the Zebronics but it did a quick restart and therefore I switched it off immediately.I’m gonna sell both these and buy a vs 450.
Also do you think the Xpro bulldozer is a good PSU.Surely I wont buy it but I’ve heard people running GTX 960s on it so it would awesome if you could do a review on that.
Don’t Trust it. Also there is no mention of any technical data of this SMPS on its official website also.
Okay here is some good news.I booted again on the zeb PSU with my GTX 750 ti and voila no system restarts.Guess the restart I faced the first time I booted was just the GPUs inbuilt driver update or something.Anyways I launched benchmark and even played GTA 4 on it at ultra setting without breaking a sweat.I guess my PC doesnt pull 18A on the 12V which is the limit of my PSU.
PC specs:
i5 2400,Asrock mobo,Zotac GTX 750 ti,4GB*2 Ram,2* 1TB HDD,no CD drive.
I could’ve bought a white MSI version of the 750ti which cost only 150Rs more but if I had done that my PC would’ve probably exploded due to the MSI version having dual fans and slight overclock.
I guess you dont actually need an expensive PSU after all.
Something I dug up on the Internet:Umax is probably just an ancient PSU because all the other low volt rails have higher amps.
For now I’m gonna stick to my zebronics for a while and when newer games would require an overclock (and when amazon gives my refund for the Corsair VS550 that I bought,which I bought for a used R9 270x but couldnt buy because the guy lied to me by selling to another guy a week before trust me total mayham)I will probably pickup vs 450 cause by then they would be going for cheap.
Till then I hope my PC survives XD(I know theres no point in that laughing face)
good to hear that it is working for you
Sir I have a basic pc for daily work. The configuration is athlon duel core processor, asus motherboard, zion ram 4GB, segate HDD of 500GB and one LG dvd writter… I was using umax 450 watt cabinet from first day. Suddenly my smps blown up . Now want to replace it with new one… I dont have high budget. If u kindly suggest a smps which will be value for money, I will be greatful to you. I dont have any graphics card. Sometimes I play like IGI or Freedom Fighter type games and often see movies. Pls guide me. How frontech 450watt smps will be???
Frontech SMPS are bad. Get VIP 400R Plus instead.
Sir I am not getting VIP 400R SMPS in our local market. Kindly suggest me any site from where I can buy? if possible pls forward the link.
Thanks for your response.
check on
or you can get the direct link at
Sir thanx for your commucation. As you suggested, this option is undoubtedly good. But before confirmation I want to clarify two things…
First is I belong from Kolkata. As I already searched in Net no service centre is available in here… In case of any issues in future within warranty period, how I will get the support from Company…
And the second thing is I found one review from amazon customer that its made in China not India…
Yes service center is a issue with this company. For support you can contact the manufacturer. And yes it is made in china but is marketed by an indian company. But it is a good SMPS compared to other local brands.
Sir,,i want to buy umax 450 watt liveware smps..pentium4/AMD..power supply to sata is 5 wire and not 4 wire..pls inform where can i buy.
I think you may find it at any local computer hardware shop.
sir, thanks for quick reply…what is the different of 5 wire connect to SATA pin and 4 wire connected to SATA pin.
SATA power connector is the same in all power supplies.
Hey sir..i ran out of money to buy a power supply . I found this power supply lying around. Can I use this in my build?
My system is
Ryzen 5 3400g
Corsair vengeance 16gb ram (8×2)
B450 motherboard
500gb hard disk….
May be temporarily but not in the long run.
Sir i want to know how this psu can harm my pc…my pc requirements are below 450w. I do use a UPS, will this help with the sudden voltage fluctuation?
It may harm by giving out too much or little voltage or if it fails to handle voltage surge.
can you please suggest me any cheap power supply that will not harm my PC ….
my specs are mentioned above.
How much is your budget for the PSU?
i dont actually have a budget, just suggest me any cheap PSU that will do the job.
Well, I really don’t suggest cheap PSUs. If you want the cheapest and good branded PSU then go for Cooler MasterWatt Lite 400W. It will cost you around Rs 2150.
Hey sir. My mobo have a 8 pin connector slot but this psu only got 4 pin connector. Will it work.
No, it will not.